star and crescent
The Star and Crescent emoji is a purple square with the symbol of Islam in the middle. This symbol is a white crescent moon that faces to the right, where a white star can also be found. This emoji is often used to represent the religion of Islam in general. It can also be used to refer to specific religious groups. In some cases, people also use this to refer to Islamic countries, such as Pakistan and Malaysia, because of the similar symbol on their national flags.
Star And Crescent is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 1.1 which was introduced in 1993, and was added to Emoji 0.7.
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This Star And Crescent Is Also Known As:
Islam symbol
Muslim symbol
symbol of Islam
Islamic religion
religious symbol
star and moon
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Star And Crescent Emoji History
Star And Crescent Emoji is created in the year 1993.
Star And Crescent Emoji Unicode Data
Unicode codepoint262A FE0F
VersionVersion 1.1