Japanese dolls
Show your sincere appreciation for Japanese culture in the most adorable way, by sharing the Japanese Dolls emoji! This emoji is made up of a pair of ornamental Japanese Emperor and Empress dolls in royal Japanese attire. The Japanese Empress is in red, holding an unfolded fan, while the Japanese Emperor is in blue, carrying a folded fan.
In real life, and in the virtual world, these dolls are a big part of the Hinamatasuri (Girls Day) celebrated on March 3. The Japanese male doll is called obina, and the female Japanese doll is called mebina. This emoji sometimes gets mistaken for a geisha emoji, since they seem to be both wearing kimonos, but that is where the similarity ends.
A geisha is a Japanese hostess trained to entertain men while the two dolls in the Japanese Dolls emoji depict a royal wedding ceremony between an emperor and empress. Due to their distinctive appearance and strong symbolism, this symbol is often used in content traditionally Japanese in nature.
As a stand alone, the Japanese Dolls emoji can do its job, especially when used as wedding emojis, or to signify Hinamatasurii. It can also be placed behind or after another type of Japan emoji as long as it fits the tone and context of the email, conversation, or social media post.
Say, you want to talk about all the things you love about Japan, one way to do it is to share the Japanese doll emoji followed by a Sushi emoji and Japanese Castle emoji. Obviously, what you just said is, you really love Japanese craftsmanship, food, and architecture!
Japanese Dolls is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 6.0 which was introduced in 2010.
Find many more Japanese Dolls Emojis at Emoji.now
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This Japanese Dolls Is Also Known As:
Japanese dolls
emoji dolls
doll emoji
geisha emoji
japanese doll emoji
chinese girl emoji
Japanese Dolls Emoji On Different Platforms
Japanese Dolls Emoji Frequency
This emoji is currently the 563 ranked emoji on social media platforms.
Japanese Dolls Emoji Trend
Japanese Dolls Emoji History
Japanese Dolls Emoji is created in the year 2010.
Japanese Dolls Emoji Unicode Data
Unicode codepoint1F38E
VersionVersion 6.0