moon viewing ceremony ๐ŸŽ‘

You might be wondering what the Moon Viewing Ceremony emoji looks like, what it means, and what it is used for. This emoji, also known as the Tsukimi emoji, is an image in a square frame with a full moon in the background of a starry sky, some attractive ornamental grass called pampas on the left, and some dango (a round-shaped sweet dessert) on the right.

This moon viewing ceremony is actually a festivity called Tsukimi or Otsukimi that takes place in Japan during the Autumn season. Another name for this is Jugoya, which means โ€œmoon viewingโ€. There are two celebrations for this: the full-moon and the waxing moon festivals. These aim to bring honor to the Autumn moon. The full moon celebration is often held on the fifteenth day of the eighteenth month of the traditional calendar made by the Japanese; the waxing moon celebration, on the other hand, takes place on the thirteenth day of the ninth month. These festivals are celebrated in Buddhism during the time of harvest, where the Tsukimi dango, pampas, and also some chestnuts are given as an offering to the moon.

These activities can be done repeatedly in September and October whenever a full or waxing moon presents itself. Send harvest moon emoji to friends and loved ones whenever referring to these astounding festivities!

๐ŸŽ‘ Moon Viewing Ceremony is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 6.0 which was introduced in 2010.

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This Moon Viewing Ceremony Is Also Known As:

moon viewing ceremony

tsukimi emoji

harvest moon emoji

Moon Viewing Ceremony Emoji On Different Platforms

Moon Viewing Ceremony Emoji Frequency

This emoji is currently the 699 ranked emoji on social media platforms.

Moon Viewing Ceremony Emoji History

Moon Viewing Ceremony Emoji is created in the year 2010.

Moon Viewing Ceremony Emoji Unicode Data