circus tent
The Circus Tent emoji is here for all your joyful needs! This emoji belongs to the group of carnival emojis. It is generally designed as a big top tent with red and white stripes. Many people refer to the circus tent emoji as a clown tent emoji. However, this emoji actually refers to the main tent of carnivals where they showcase performances. There is both a downside and a good side to using the circus tent emoji since the circus has a history of human and animal abuse.
A way of using this is together with the Clown emoji, which showcases performance in carnivals, the Carousel emoji, which depicts rides, and the Crystal Ball emoji, which is often used by traveling fortune-tellers. All of these are part of the carnival emojis that represent the different entertainment you can find at carnivals. You may also place the Fireworks emoji to describe a night at the carnival and it is a magical and fun experience.
However, the negative effects of the circus is also acknowledged. You can use the Elephant emoji, Monkey emoji, and Tiger emoji with the Prohibited emoji with the circus tent to raise awareness of the cruel animal abuse that happens often within the carnivals.
Circus Tent is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 6.0 which was introduced in 2010.
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This Circus Tent Is Also Known As:
circus tent
circus emoji
Circus Tent Emoji On Different Platforms
Circus Tent Emoji Frequency
This emoji is currently the 624 ranked emoji on social media platforms.
Circus Tent Emoji Trend
Circus Tent Emoji History
Circus Tent Emoji is created in the year 2010.
Circus Tent Emoji In Other Languages
Circus Tent Emoji 马戏团的帐篷 表情符号 Circustent Emoji Chapiteau Emoji Zirkus-Zelt Emoji सर्कस टेंट इमोजी Tenda Sirkus Emoji Tendone Circo Emoji サーカステント 絵文字 서커스 천막 이모티콘 Tenda De Circo Emoji Цирковой шатёр Эмодзи Carpa De Circo Emoji Tolda Ng Circus Emoji خيمة سيرك إيموجيCircus Tent Emoji Unicode Data
Unicode codepoint1F3AA
VersionVersion 6.0