part alternation mark 〽️

Start a song in the chat with this emoji! Aside from traditional Japanese music, you could also use the Part Alternation Mark emoji to begin singing along in messages. This yellow M emoji depicts an M-shaped symbol with one end extended. Usually, this marking is used in traditional Japanese music such as Noh and Renga to indicate the beginning of a song. It specifically marks the start of the vocalist’s part.

Feel free to use this emoji when you are about to have a sing-along in chats! Today, some apps allow musical activities that you would normally do face-to-face, such as karaoke. When you want to sing along via chat or encourage other people to do so, drop in this emoji to let them know that the vocal part of the song begins.

But you do not always have to be musical to use this emoji. You can also make use of its interesting appearance to indicate other meanings. For instance, the mark looks like a lopsided capital M. If you feel creative or want to troll your friends, you can use this emoji as a replacement for the letter M or even an alternative for the Circled M emoji.

Another example of using this emoji based on its appearance is to indicate a rollercoaster. After all, if you are not familiar with its context or origins, it may look like a rollercoaster track showing a dip then a drop-off to the right. This makes it a clever substitute for the Roller Coaster emoji.

〽️ Part Alternation Mark is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 3.2 which was introduced in 2002, and was added to Emoji 0.6.

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This Part Alternation Mark Is Also Known As:

part alternation mark

yellow m emoji

michigan emoji

m/ emoji

university of michigan emoji

Part Alternation Mark Emoji On Different Platforms

Part Alternation Mark Emoji Frequency

This emoji is currently the 547 ranked emoji on social media platforms.

Part Alternation Mark Emoji History

Part Alternation Mark Emoji is created in the year 2002.

Part Alternation Mark Emoji Unicode Data