woman supervillain: medium skin tone
This is the medium skin tone variation of the Female Supervillain emoji.
Woman Supervillain: Medium Skin Tone is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 11.0 which was introduced in 2018, and was added to Emoji 11.0.
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Woman Supervillain: Medium Skin Tone Emoji Combination
This emoji can be derived by combining ๐ฆน๐ฝ โ
Woman Supervillain: Medium Skin Tone Emoji History
Woman Supervillain: Medium Skin Tone Emoji is created in the year 2018.
Woman Supervillain: Medium Skin Tone Emoji Unicode Data
Unicode codepoint1F9B9 1F3FD 200D 2640 FE0F
VersionVersion 11.0