keycap: # #️⃣

The keycap emoji shows the number sign, which is often referred to as the pound sign or hashtag symbol. The number sign is encased in a blue square. This emoji is often used to refer to a general number or the pound sign itself. Senders also use this when they want to refer to a certain hashtag on a social media platform.

#️⃣ Keycap: # is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 1.1 which was introduced in 1993.

  • Copy and Paste This Emoji:

  • #️⃣
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This Keycap: # Is Also Known As:

number sign


numbers emoji

pound sign

pound sign emoji

keycap emoji

Keycap: # Emoji On Different Platforms

Keycap: # Emoji History

Keycap: # Emoji is created in the year 1993.

Keycap: # Emoji Unicode Data