reverse button ◀️

Be kind, rewind, with the Reverse Button emoji! This emoji is the digital version of the reverse button used to rewind CDs, video tapes, video players or music players. The Reverse Button emoji is quite simple in design, it is made up of a white triangle pointing to the left.

Missed an important part of a TV series, movie, song, or video clip? Tell someone you want to watch it again by simply sharing the Reverse Button emoji! You may also use the reverse button to show you are confused about something, and would like the person you are talking to to repeat himself or herself. Send it along with the Upside Down Face emoji to emphasize just how confused you are!

Occasionally, the Reverse Button emoji may also be used to indicate a desire to go back to the past to relive a specific moment. Use it to inform someone about the mess they’ve made, to advise them that things aren’t easy to undo, no matter how much we want them to.

◀️ Reverse Button is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 1.1 which was introduced in 1993, and was added to Emoji 0.6.

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This Reverse Button Is Also Known As:

reverse button

reverse emoji

left triangle emoji

reverse button

Reverse Button Emoji On Different Platforms

Reverse Button Emoji History

Reverse Button Emoji is created in the year 1993.