The Megaphone emoji shows a megaphone, which is a cone-shaped handheld device used by someone to amplify their speaking voice. The megaphone’s color varies among the platforms, and it is also either facing left or right depending on the platform as well. This emoji is often used to express cheering for someone or a team like in sports. In relation to this, people also use this emoji to refer to a loud noise or a noisy crowd. Lastly, this emoji can also be used to refer to a sports event.
Megaphone is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 6.0 which was introduced in 2010.
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This Megaphone Is Also Known As:
white megaphone
sports megaphone
voice amplifier
megaphone emoji
Megaphone Emoji On Different Platforms
Megaphone Emoji Trend
Megaphone Emoji History
Megaphone Emoji is created in the year 2010.
Megaphone Emoji In Other Languages
Megaphone Emoji 扩音器 表情符号 Megafoon Emoji Mégaphone Emoji Megaphon Emoji मेगाफोन इमोजी Megafon Emoji Megafono Emoji メガホン 絵文字 메가폰 이모티콘 Megafone Emoji Мегафон Эмодзи Megáfono Emoji Megaphone Emoji بوق مكبر للصوت إيموجيMegaphone Emoji Unicode Data
Unicode codepoint1F4E3
VersionVersion 6.0