oncoming fist: medium skin tone
This is the medium skin tone variation of the Oncoming Fist emoji.
Oncoming Fist: Medium Skin Tone is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 6.0 which was introduced in 2010, and was added to Emoji 1.0.
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Other Oncoming Fist: Medium Skin Tone Emoji Variants: Color Tone
Oncoming Fist: Medium Skin Tone Emoji Trend
Oncoming Fist: Medium Skin Tone Emoji History
Oncoming Fist: Medium Skin Tone Emoji is created in the year 2010.
Oncoming Fist: Medium Skin Tone Emoji In Other Languages
Oncoming Fist: Medium Skin Tone Emoji 中等肤色伸出直拳 表情符号 Getinte Huidskleur Inkomende Vuist Emoji Poing De Face De Couleur Moyen Emoji Mitteltöniger Hautton Aufkommende Faust Emoji मध्यम रंगत की सामने मुड़ी मुट्ठी इमोजी Tangan Terkepal Ke Depan Warna Kulit Sedang Emoji Pugno Frontale Tonalità Pelle Media Emoji 肌色 近づく拳 絵文字 중간톤 피부색의 다가오는 주먹 이모티콘 Punho De Tom De Pele Médio Que Se Aproxima Emoji Встречный кулак среднего тона кожи Эмодзи Recibir Puñetazo Tono Medio De Piel Emoji Kayumangging Kamaong Nakaharap Emoji قبضة باتجاه الأمام متوسطة لون البشرة إيموجيOncoming Fist: Medium Skin Tone Emoji Unicode Data
Unicode codepoint1F44A 1F3FD
VersionVersion 6.0