victory hand: medium-dark skin tone
This is the medium-dark skin tone variant of the victory hand emoji.
Victory Hand: Medium-dark Skin Tone is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 1.1 which was introduced in 1993, and was added to Emoji 1.0.
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Victory Hand: Medium-dark Skin Tone Emoji On Different Platforms
Other Victory Hand: Medium-dark Skin Tone Emoji Variants: Color Tone
Victory Hand: Medium-dark Skin Tone Emoji Trend
Victory Hand: Medium-dark Skin Tone Emoji History
Victory Hand: Medium-dark Skin Tone Emoji is created in the year 1993.
Victory Hand: Medium-dark Skin Tone Emoji In Other Languages
Victory Hand: Medium-dark Skin Tone Emoji 中深肤色剪刀手 表情符号 Donkergetinte Huidskleur Overwinningsgebaar Emoji Main De Victoire De Couleur Lègerement Foncé Emoji Siegeshand Mit Mitteldunklem Hautton Emoji मध्यम गहरी रंगत का विक्ट्री हाथ इमोजी Isyarat Kemenangan Warna Kulit Gelap Emoji Gesto Vittoria Tonalità Pelle Medio-Scura Emoji やや濃い肌色 Vサインの手 絵文字 승리를 의미하는 피부색이 약간 어두운 손 이모티콘 Mão Da Vitória De Tom De Pele Meio Escura Emoji "Мир" со смуглой кожей Эмодзи Mano De La Victoria Tono Medio Moreno De Piel Emoji Medyo Maitim Na Kulay-Balat Ng Senyas Ng Victory Emoji علامة النصر داكن-متوسط لون البشرة إيموجيVictory Hand: Medium-dark Skin Tone Emoji Unicode Data
Unicode codepoint270C 1F3FE
VersionVersion 1.1