The kite emoji shows a flying kite with a single string as its tail. Its color varies depending on the platform. For Apple and Facebook, the colors of the kite are blue and purple. For Google and Twitter, the kite is very colorful with blue, green, yellow, and red accents. This kite is often used to refer to trips that involve flying kites. It can also be used to refer to trips or just leisurely activities in general. Some might also send the kite emoji to refer to the park or going outside.
Kite is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 12.0 which was introduced in 2019.
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This Kite Is Also Known As:
flying kite
red kite
kite emoji
Kite Emoji On Different Platforms
Kite Emoji Trend
Kite Emoji History
Kite Emoji is created in the year 2019.
Kite Emoji In Other Languages
Kite Emoji 风筝 表情符号 Vlieger Emoji Cerf Volant Emoji Drachen Emoji पतंग इमोजी Layang-Layang Emoji Aquilone Emoji カイト 絵文字 연 이모티콘 Pipa Emoji Воздушный змей Эмодзи Cometa Emoji Saranggola Emoji Kite إيموجيKite Emoji Unicode Data
Unicode codepoint1FA81
VersionVersion 12.0