Big fan of jazz? If you are an avid follower of music with a nice swing and syncopation, then you might already know what the saxophone is. You can use the Saxophone emoji when referring to this hunky musical instrument. The sax is a woodwind instrument often made of brass that comes in the color of gold. That is why on most platforms, it is depicted with the color yellow or gold, along with a black mouthpiece.
You can always use the sax emoji in any conversation about orchestral, classical, or jazz music–wherein this instrument often plays a vital part. Besides the music or the instrument itself, you may also try using the saxophone emoji when pertaining to a certain sax player. Since the instrument requires a lot of strength and breathing capacity, people tend to find sax players sexy. While there are many other instruments that can make you sigh and cause your heart to melt, there is always a unique appeal that sax players have. Either way, use the saxophone emoji to show love and appreciation for the instrument and the music it makes!
Saxophone is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 6.0 which was introduced in 2010.
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This Saxophone Is Also Known As:
⊛ saxophone
jazz emoji
sax emoji
Saxophone Emoji On Different Platforms
Saxophone Emoji Frequency
This emoji is currently the 610 ranked emoji on social media platforms.
Saxophone Emoji Trend
Saxophone Emoji History
Saxophone Emoji is created in the year 2010.
Saxophone Emoji In Other Languages
Saxophone Emoji 萨克斯管 表情符号 Saxofoon Emoji Saxophone Emoji Saxophon Emoji सैक्सोफोन इमोजी Saksofon Emoji Sassofono Emoji サックス 絵文字 색소폰 이모티콘 Saxofone Emoji Саксофон Эмодзи Saxofón Emoji Saxophone Emoji ساكسفون إيموجيSaxophone Emoji Unicode Data
Unicode codepoint1F3B7
VersionVersion 6.0