woman in tuxedo πŸ€΅β€β™€οΈ

The woman in tuxedo emoji was first introduced as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010. It was one of the first emojis to feature a person of color, and it quickly became a popular way to represent diverse women in both personal and professional settings. 

In the years since, the woman in tuxedo emoji has been used to communicate everything from gender equality to sassy self-love, so make sure to drop the pink heart emoji too. 

Today, it remains one of the most versatile and widely used emojis on social media.

When it comes to pairing the woman in tuxedo emoji with other emojis, the options are endless. For a formal look, try pairing it with the wedding cake or champagne flute emoji. For a more fun and playful look, try pairing it with the heart eyes or party popper emoji.

A woman in a tuxedo may also indicate that he/she is part of the LGBTQ+ community, so you can put a rainbow flag emoji, and other pride related emoji. 

 And for an empowering and inspiring message, try pairing it with the raised fist emoji or crown emoji. No matter how you use it, the woman in tuxedo emoji is sure to make your message pop.

πŸ€΅β€β™€οΈ Woman In Tuxedo is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 13.0 which was introduced in 2020, and was added to Emoji 13.0.

Find many more Woman In Tuxedo Emojis at Emoji.now

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This Woman In Tuxedo Is Also Known As:

woman wearing a suit

female groom

woman in formal outfit

female formal attire

dress like a man

woman wearing a black tuxedo jacket

female tux

lady suit

Woman In Tuxedo Emoji On Different Platforms

Woman In Tuxedo Emoji History

Woman In Tuxedo Emoji is created in the year 2020.

Woman In Tuxedo Emoji Unicode Data