SOS button
If you need help urgently or you are in a state of emergency, then this is the emoji you should use. As with its application outside social media, the SOS Button emoji can be used as a distress code or call for help in dire times. This distress signal emoji displays the SOS letters in white inside a red square.
Should you be in a serious situation or any disaster, you could use this emoji to immediately ask for help without explaining everything that happened. You can shortly tell what is going on after adding in this help emoji.
For instance, if you need to go somewhere safe yet you are stranded, post this emoji along with your location. Most likely, people would share your post to raise awareness of what is currently happening in your vicinity.
The emoji is also applicable not only during natural disasters but also during personal conflicts. You can send your friends or family this emoji secretly to let them know that you need help getting out of tricky or dangerous situations without raising any suspicion or commotion.
SOS Button is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 6.0 which was introduced in 2010.
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