face with open eyes and hand over mouth
Get up to date with the latest gossip with the face with open eyes and hand over mouth emoji! This emoji is an addition to the many surprised or shocked expression emojis in the list.ย
This emoji shows wide opened eyes to express shock while a hand is covering the mouth area. This emoji is perfect if you want to subtly show your surprised emoji after hearing some juicy gossip online.ย
Social media is a platform for a lot of rumors and gossip. So if you want to join the fun, you can use this emoji alongside the face with raised eyebrow emoji to show curiosity, or the zipper mouth emoji to promise that you would not tell anyone about it.ย
This emoji can not only be for hearing non-sense information, but mainly for hearing shocking news like when a famous and influential person passes away, or when your favorite contender in an event loses. This emoji is perfect because it is just a subtle one and not an exaggerated one compared to the exploding head emoji.ย
The face with open eyes and hand over mouth emoji is one of the perfect emojis to use when you do not want to be too expressive on social media.
Face With Open Eyes And Hand Over Mouth is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 14.0 which was introduced in 2021, and was added to Emoji 14.0.
Find many more Face With Open Eyes And Hand Over Mouth Emojis at Emoji.now
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This Face With Open Eyes And Hand Over Mouth Is Also Known As:
hand covering mouth
loss for words
speechless face
shocked reaction
face covering mouth
horrified face
stop speaking
disbelief face
scandalized expression
Face With Open Eyes And Hand Over Mouth Emoji On Different Platforms
Face With Open Eyes And Hand Over Mouth Emoji Trend
Face With Open Eyes And Hand Over Mouth Emoji History
Face With Open Eyes And Hand Over Mouth Emoji is created in the year 2021.
Face With Open Eyes And Hand Over Mouth Emoji Unicode Data
Unicode codepoint1FAE2
Unicode nameFace With Open Eyes And Hand Over Mouth
VersionVersion 14.0