turkey ๐Ÿฆƒ

The Turkey emoji usually dominates social media posts and online conversations during Thanksgiving and the holiday season. People usually follow it with the Poultry Leg emoji and Maple Leaf emoji to talk about food commonly served at the beloved holiday. Back then, people probably served roast turkey because of the birdโ€™s wide availability in the 19th century.

Due to the birdโ€™s role during the holidays, the turkey emoji is also known as the Thanksgiving emoji. Most platform designs show the left profile of the turkey bird. Despite this similarity, all creators came up with different details of the bird for each platform. Some try to close to real-life by emphasizing the unique feather details or adding the turkeyโ€™s notable wattle. However, other platforms stuck with minimalistic designs and only noted the colors, typically a dark brown color body, needed to distinguish the turkey emoji from other birds.

๐Ÿฆƒ Turkey is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 8.0 which was introduced in 2015.

Find many more Turkey Emojis at Emoji.now

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This Turkey Is Also Known As:


thanksgiving turkey emoji

dancing turkey emoji

Turkey Emoji On Different Platforms

Turkey Emoji History

Turkey Emoji is created in the year 2015.

Turkey Emoji Unicode Data