♨️hot springs
♠️spade suit
♥️heart suit
♦️diamond suit
♣️club suit
♟️chess pawn
✒️black nib
↗️up-right arrow
➡️right arrow
↘️down-right arrow
↙️down-left arrow
↖️up-left arrow
↕️up-down arrow
↩️right arrow curving left
↪️left arrow curving right
✡️star of David
☸️wheel of dharma
☯️yin yang
✝️latin cross
☦️orthodox cross
☪️star and crescent
☮️peace symbol
▶️play button
⏩fast-forward button
◀️reverse button
♀️female sign
♂️male sign
☑️check box with check
✔️check mark
✖️multiplication sign
✳️eight-spoked asterisk
‼️double exclamation mark
〰️wavy dash
™️trade mark
#️⃣keycap: #
*️⃣keycap: *
0️⃣keycap: 0
1️⃣keycap: 1
2️⃣keycap: 2
3️⃣keycap: 3
4️⃣keycap: 4
5️⃣keycap: 5
6️⃣keycap: 6
7️⃣keycap: 7
8️⃣keycap: 8
9️⃣keycap: 9
Ⓜ️circled M
㊗️Japanese “congratulations” button
㊙️Japanese “secret” button
▪️black small square
▫️white small square
☺️smiling face
☹️frowning face
☠️skull and crossbones
❣️heart exclamation
❤️red heart
✌️victory hand
✌🏻victory hand: light skin tone
✌🏼victory hand: medium-light skin tone
✌🏽victory hand: medium skin tone
✌🏾victory hand: medium-dark skin tone
✌🏿victory hand: dark skin tone
☝️index pointing up
☝🏻index pointing up: light skin tone
☝🏼index pointing up: medium-light skin tone
☝🏽index pointing up: medium skin tone
☝🏾index pointing up: medium-dark skin tone
☝🏿index pointing up: dark skin tone
✍️writing hand
✍🏻writing hand: light skin tone
✍🏼writing hand: medium-light skin tone
✍🏽writing hand: medium skin tone
✍🏾writing hand: medium-dark skin tone
✍🏿writing hand: dark skin tone
↔️left-right arrow
⌛hourglass done
✴️eight-pointed star