Emojiguide.com Version Unicode Version 14.0 🫠melting face 🫥dotted line face 🫳palm down hand 🫴palm up hand 🫰hand with index finger and thumb crossed 🫵index pointing at the viewer 🫦biting lip 🫣face with peeking eye 🫡saluting face 🫤face with diagonal mouth 🫱rightwards hand 🫲leftwards hand 🪸coral 🪷lotus 🧌troll 🫧bubbles 🫘beans 🛞wheel 🫙jar 🩻x-ray 🪬hamsa 🩼crutch 🪫low battery 🪹empty nest 🪩mirror ball 🛝playground slide 🛟ring buoy 🫗pouring liquid 🪺nest with eggs 🫅person with crown 🟰heavy equals sign 🫢face with open eyes and hand over mouth 🥹face holding back tears