✅ Symbols Emojis
Emojis of pictorial, alphabetical, and numerical symbols. This category includes common signs and Japanese symbols.
- 🏧ATM sign
- 🚮litter in bin sign
- 🚰potable water
- 🛃customs
- 🛄baggage claim
- ⚠️warning
- ♿wheelchair symbol
- 🚹men’s room
- 🚺women’s room
- 🚻restroom
- 🚼baby symbol
- 🚾water closet
- 🛂passport control
- 🚸children crossing
- ⛔no entry
- 🚫prohibited
- 🚳no bicycles
- 🚭no smoking
- 🚯no littering
- 🚱non-potable water
- 🚷no pedestrians
- 📵no mobile phones
- 🔞no one under eighteen
- ⬆️up arrow
- ↗️up-right arrow
- ➡️right arrow
- ↘️down-right arrow
- ⬇️down arrow
- ↙️down-left arrow
- ☢️radioactive
- ⬅️left arrow
- ↖️up-left arrow
- ↕️up-down arrow
- ↩️right arrow curving left
- ↪️left arrow curving right
- ⤴️right arrow curving up
- ⤵️right arrow curving down
- 🔃clockwise vertical arrows
- 🔄counterclockwise arrows button
- 🔙BACK arrow
- 🔚END arrow
- 🔛ON! arrow
- 🔜SOON arrow
- 🔝TOP arrow
- 🛐place of worship
- ⚛️atom symbol
- 🕉️om
- ✡️star of David
- ☸️wheel of dharma
- ♈Aries
- ✝️latin cross
- ☦️orthodox cross
- ☪️star and crescent
- ☮️peace symbol
- 🕎menorah
- 🔯dotted six-pointed star
- ♉Taurus
- ♊Gemini
- ♋Cancer
- ♍Virgo
- ♎Libra
- ♏Scorpio
- ♐Sagittarius
- ♑Capricorn
- ▶️play button
- ⏩fast-forward button
- ⏭️next track button
- ⏯️play or pause button
- ♒Aquarius
- ♓Pisces
- ⛎Ophiuchus
- 🔀shuffle tracks button
- 🔁repeat button
- 🔂repeat single button
- ◀️reverse button
- ⏪fast reverse button
- 🔼upwards button
- ⏫fast up button
- 🔽downwards button
- ⏸️pause button
- ⏹️stop button
- 🔅dim button
- 📶antenna bars
- 📳vibration mode
- 📴mobile phone off
- ♀️female sign
- ♂️male sign
- ⏺️record button
- ⏏️eject button
- 🎦cinema
- ☑️check box with check
- ⚕️medical symbol
- ♾️infinity
- ♻️recycling symbol
- ⚜️fleur-de-lis
- 🔱trident emblem
- 📛name badge
- 🔰Japanese symbol for beginner
- ⭕hollow red circle
- ✔️check mark
- ✖️multiplication sign
- ❌cross mark
- ➕plus sign
- ➖minus sign
- ➗division sign
- ➰curly loop
- ➿double curly loop
- 〽️part alternation mark
- ✳️eight-spoked asterisk
- ❓question mark
- ❔white question mark
- ❕white exclamation mark
- 〰️wavy dash
- ©️copyright
- ❇️sparkle
- ‼️double exclamation mark
- ⁉️exclamation question mark
- 6️⃣keycap: 6
- ®️Registered
- ™️trade mark
- #️⃣keycap: #
- *️⃣keycap: *
- 0️⃣keycap: 0
- 1️⃣keycap: 1
- 2️⃣keycap: 2
- 3️⃣keycap: 3
- 4️⃣keycap: 4
- 5️⃣keycap: 5
- 7️⃣keycap: 7
- 8️⃣keycap: 8
- 9️⃣keycap: 9
- 🔟keycap: 10
- 🔤input latin letters
- 🆎AB button (blood type)
- ℹ️information
- 🆔ID button
- Ⓜ️circled M
- 🆕NEW button
- 🆖NG button
- 🆗OK button
- 🅱️B button (blood type)
- 🆑CL button
- 🆓FREE button
- 🅿️P button
- 🆘SOS button
- 🆙UP! button
- 🆚VS button
- 🈁Japanese “here” button
- 🈂️Japanese “service charge” button
- 🈶Japanese “not free of charge” button
- 🈯Japanese “reserved” button
- 🉐Japanese “bargain” button
- 🈹Japanese “discount” button
- 🈚Japanese “free of charge” button
- 🈲Japanese “prohibited” button
- 🉑Japanese “acceptable” button
- 🈸Japanese “application” button
- 🈴Japanese “passing grade” button
- 🈳Japanese “vacancy” button
- ㊗️Japanese “congratulations” button
- ㊙️Japanese “secret” button
- 🔵blue circle
- 🟣purple circle
- 🟤brown circle
- ⚫black circle
- ⚪white circle
- 🈵Japanese “no vacancy” button
- 🔴red circle
- 🟠orange circle
- 🟡yellow circle
- 🟢green circle
- 🟥red square
- 🟧orange square
- 🟨yellow square
- 🟩green square
- 🟦blue square
- 🟪purple square
- 🟫brown square
- ⬛black large square
- ⬜white large square
- ◼️black medium square
- ◻️white medium square
- ◾black medium-small square
- ◽white medium-small square
- ▪️black small square
- ▫️white small square
- 🔶large orange diamond
- 🔷large blue diamond
- 🔸small orange diamond
- 🔹small blue diamond
- 🔺red triangle pointed up
- 🔻red triangle pointed down
- 💠diamond with a dot
- 🔘radio button
- 🔳white square button
- 🔲black square button
- ⚧transgender symbol
- 🟰heavy equals sign
- 🅾️O button (blood type)
- ♌Leo