Ultimate List Of Top 101 All-Time ๐ฅ Most Popular Emojis ๐ฅ

Emojis have become a part of every type of communication we have. From its first appearance in emails and social media posts, emojis are now so popular you can find them in apps, games, movies, and books. Nowadays, there is an emoji for anything and everything you want to say or convey. Using Quicktools, you can now smoothly copy and paste emoticons into your text, hence allowing you to enhance the effectiveness of your conversations.
Thanks to emojis, complex ideas and emotions are expressed in a faster and more universal way. Did you know that 60 million popular emojis are used on Facebook each day, and 5 billion are used on Facebook Messenger daily? Did you also know that out of that huge number, only a handful of emojis is favored by the masses?
Read on to find out which ones they might be. The ranking of the most popular emojis is based on the Unicode Standard, a character coding structure designed to support the worldwide exchange, processing, and display of the written texts of the many languages and technical disciplines of the modern world.
1. Face With Tears Of Joy
First on the list of the most popular emojis is the 😂 Face With Tears Of Joy emoji. The emoji shows a face crying with joyful laughter. The flexibility of this reaction is why it tops the list—it’s great for nearly every surprising situation, and, as we all know, life is full of surprises.
2. Red Heart
The ❤️ Red Heart emoji is in second place on the list of the most popular emojis. Known all over the world as the most prominent symbol of love, it’s understandable why this emoji is so frequently used.
3. Smiling Face With Smiling Eyes
The 😊 Smiling Face With Smiling Eyes emoji takes the third position in our list of popular emojis. Used to convey a wide range of happy, friendly, and mostly positive sentiments, the flexibility of this emoji could be one of the reasons why it is so popular.
4. Rolling On The Floor Laughing
The 🤣 Rolling On The Floor Laughing emoji slips into 4th place in our list of the most popular emojis. One of the main reasons why this emoji is so high on the list is because laughter is one of the most relatable human expressions of emotion. The emoji shows a face with scrunched eyes, a tear coming from each eye, and a big open laugh. It conveys hysterical laughter and extreme hilarity.
5. Folded Hands
The 🙏 Folded Hands emoji ranks 5th on our list of popular emojis. This symbol shows two human hands in a praying position. The 🙏 Folding Hands emoji shows gratitude, a common emotion among individuals from different cultures. In many religions, the closing of hands is a spiritual gesture and symbol of religious faith.
6. Two Hearts
The 💕 Two Hearts emoji takes the 6th spot on our list of popular emojis. Widely used to express love and romance, this symbol is present in many romantic texts. From the sweet and wholesome “love is in the air” to the deeper and mature emotions. The ability of the emoji to show love on different levels is one of the reasons why it is so popular.
7. Astonished Face
If you want to show awe, amazement, excitement, or concern, use the 😲 Astonished Face emoji. This image is a smiley with raised eyebrows, wide-open eyes, and mouth hanging open.
8. Thumbs Up
A gesture of approval, the 👍 Thumbs Up emoji is similar to the thumbs-up action in real life. This emoji shows a human hand with the thumb facing upward.
9. Loudly Crying Face
The 😭 Loudly Crying Face emoji is at the 9th place on our list of popular emojis. The emoji shows a crying face with eyes closed and tears streaming down its face. It is usually used to describe sadness or grief. Emojis that show extreme emotions like laughter historically rank high in terms of frequency, and this symbol is no different.
10. Face Blowing A Kiss
Taking the 10th spot is the 😘 Face Blowing A Kiss emoji. This symbol is of a winking face with puckered lips blowing a red heart. It is often used to convey flirty or romantic behavior.
One of the reasons why people like this emoji a lot is because it provides a quick shortcut to expressing a common emotion. Flirting with someone online can get complicated or tricky; you aren’t sure of what to say without sounding too aggressive or forward. But if you were to use the 😘 Face Blowing A Kiss emoji, you can show your feelings in just one symbol.
11. Unamused Face
Taking the 11th spot in our list of popular emojis is the 😒 Unamused Face emoji. The 😒 Unamused Face emoji shows a face with raised eyebrows and eyes looking to the side. It conveys irritation, grumpiness, displeasure, or skepticism. Negative emotions are tricky to express through text, which makes this emoji quite handy.
12. OK Hand
In the 12th place is the 👌 OK Hand emoji. This emoji shows a human hand, with the index finger and thumb touching to form a circle. It means “I’m okay” or “yes, that’s correct/good.”
Why is this emoji so popular? A big factor is the human element it adds to online conversations. The 👌 OK Hand emoji makes the user feel like they’re talking to a person.
13. Relieved Face
At 13th place in our list of popular emojis is the 😌 Relieved Face emoji. This emoji is like the symbol equivalent of “whew.” It shows a face with raised eyebrows, a small smile, and closed eyes, commonly used in scenarios like to express relief after a stressful day or after finishing a heavy task.
Aside from that, this emoji is also used in situations with interpersonal conflict. For example, when two of your friends are fighting-instead of merely watching conflict unfold, you could step in and be the voice of reason with the 😌 Relieved Face emoji. In this case, the 😌 Relieved Face emoji is saying, “Come on guys, let’s take a break.” The calming nature and cute expression on this emoji’s face make it a favorite among online users.
14. Weary Face
Claiming the 14th spot on the list of most popular emojis is the 😩 Weary Face emoji. This symbol shows a weary face with closed, crescent-shaped eyes, a mouth open in a big frown, and furrowed brows. The 😩 Weary Face emoji conveys feelings of great sadness and frustration. How this emoji emphasizes exhaustion- straight to the point and full of emotion- is why it ranks high on our list.
15. Smirking Face
The 😏 Smirking Face emoji appears in the 15th spot in our popular emojis list. This emoji expresses a feeling of being sly, smug, flirty or suggestive. If you want to boast nonchalantly, this is the best emoji to use. The power of this emoji is in how it relays a strong emotion in a backhanded way. If you want to boast, but not come off too strong, this is an apt emoji to use.
16. Beaming Face With Smiling Eyes
Claiming the 16th spot in our list of popular emojis is the 😁 Beaming Face With Smiling Eyes. This emoji is of a yellow face with smiling eyes and a large, full-toothed grin. The tone of this emoji varies, it can be used to convey a radiant, gratified type of happiness or a silly, amused, somewhat proud feeling. The flexibility and positivity of this emoji is one of the reasons why it is so popular.
17. Flushed Face
Embarrassment is a difficult feeling to express. You don’t want to feel too uncomfortable or too vulnerable showing that feeling to others. This is where the 😳 Flushed Face emoji comes in. You can show embarrassment in just one symbol without giving out too much. The 😳 Flushed Face emoji gets the job done with its wide-open eyes, blushing cheeks, and small, straight mouth.
18. Raising Hands
At the 18th spot in our list of popular emojis is the 🙌 Raising Hands emoji. This symbol is used as a sign of celebration or success. This emoji is an image of two hands held up in the air with small rays on top of it.
Like the 👌 OK Hand emoji, the 🙌 Raising Hands emoji evokes some element of human experience, which is why it’s popular. The symbol conveys the feeling of talking to a human online, thus bringing the two people having a conversation closer to one another.
19. Person Tipping Hand
Sliding to the 19th spot in our countdown of popular emojis is the 💁 Person Tipping Hand emoji. This emoji shows a person raising and tipping one hand as if holding a tray. The 💁 Person Tipping Hand emoji is often used for giving advice. On the flip side, because of the way the person’s hand is positioned, it is also used after a rant or long message to sarcastically convey, “but what would I know?” The vastly different uses and perspectives of this emoji make this a favorite among online users.
20. See No Evil Monkey
Interpreted as a figure of willful ignorance, the 🙈 See No Evil Monkey emoji shows a brown monkey face with pink or tan hands covering its eyes. The monkey’s name is Mizaru and is 1⁄3 of the three wise monkeys emoji series: 🙈 See No Evil Monkey, 🙉 Hear No Evil Monkey, 🙊 Speak No Evil Monkey. The emoji series is based on a famous Japanese proverb bearing the same name. The well-known origin of this emoji is one of the reasons why it is frequently used online.
21. Pensive Face
This 😔 Pensive Face emoji shows a downcast face with sad, closed eyes, furrowed eyebrows, and a small mouth. It is often used to show sympathy when someone close to them has had something unfortunate happen to them.
When a person uses this emoji, it means they have a lot to think about, and he or she needs a little time to fully contemplate and resolve its thoughts. In somewhat awkward moments like these, it can be hard to enforce boundaries, which is why this emoji is so popular and handy online. If you need to tell someone you need a break, this symbol gets the point across quickly and easily.
22. Smiling Face With Sunglasses
This 😎 Smiling Face With Sunglasses emoji shows a face wearing a pair of black sunglasses and a wide, closed smile. A favorite among the online community, the 😎 Smiling Face With Sunglasses emoji is the best way to denote a sense of cool, or a confident, carefree attitude.
23. Victory Hand
The ✌️ Victory Hand emoji shows a human hand forming a V sign. It is the equivalent of the statement, “I come in peace,” and is usually used to diffuse online arguments. Since this is a universally understood and recorded symbol of peace or victory, it is frequently used by netizens in online conversations, which explains why it is ranked quite high in our list of popular emojis.
24. Expressionless Face
Commonly used to express mild exasperation, annoyance, or frustration, the 😑 Expressionless Face emoji is a smiley with flat, closed eyes and mouth. The strong but subtle message of this emoji is one of the many reasons why it’s a favorite among users. If you don’t want to continue a conversation with someone or can’t comment on something because you lack the right words, the 😑 Expressionless Face emoji is the best symbol to use.
25. Face Savoring Food
Nothing like great food to bring people together. The popularity of the 😋 Face Savoring Food emoji is definitive proof of this. Taking the 25th spot in our ranking of the 101 most popular emojis, the symbol shows a face with smiling eyes, wearing a big closed smile, with its tongue sticking out of one corner.
The 😋 Face Savoring Food emoji is used to express that a food item is delicious. Since the love of food is a topic that is truly universal, many users, from either gender, include this in a lot of online conversations.
26. Winking Face With Tongue
If you’re talking to someone online and want to convey a sense of fun, silliness, or playfulness without being too mischievous or sexual, the 😜 Winking Face With Tongue emoji sets the tone of your message.
The emoji is of a winking face with a large, open grin and tongue sticking out. One of the more flexible emojis in the market, the varied tones of this symbol—ranging from affectionate to playful, from suggestive to ironic—could be one of the reasons why it is so popular.
27. Musical Note
The symbol of a 🎵 Musical Note is used all over the world. It doesn’t matter what country you belong to; the language of music cuts through many cultural and geographical barriers. It’s one of the reasons why the 🎵 Musical Note emoji is popular online, and it denotes song lyrics, songs, composition, or other music-related topics. This symbol is generally depicted as two purple eighth notes hanging from one beam.
28. Disappointed Face
The 😞 Disappointed Face emoji takes the 28th spot in our list of popular emojis. Used in texts and social media to express varying degrees of sadness—from frustration to displeasure—it is so expressive it can be used on its own without any accompanying message, and you will get the message instantly. The emoji shows a face, scrunched into a frown, with closed, downcast eyes.
29. Eyes
The 👀 Eyes emoji came in 29th in our list of most popular emojis. One of the more controversial emojis out there, the 👀 Eyes emoji can easily be misunderstood if used inappropriately. Composed of a pair of eyes, glancing slightly to the left, some people call this emoji “pervy eyes,” the sort of expression you give when a hot person is walking down the street.
In other situations, some people interpret the 👀 Eyes emoji as a form of “shifty eyes,” aka, the look on a person’s face when conveying a deceitful act. The controversial nature of this emoji and the freedom it gives the user makes it a favorite in online conversations, if you do “pervy eyes,” or “shifty eyes,” in real life, it looks inappropriate, but if you use the 👀 Eyes emoji online, with those pervy or shifty expressions, it becomes somewhat acceptable.
30. Raised Hand
Have you been waiting for the right time to bring something up? If you’re in a group chat, getting everyone’s attention is difficult. With the ✋ Raised Hand emoji, you can tell your groupmates you have something to share. One of the more relatable emojis, (many people use group chats at work or at home to communicate with one another), the ✋ Raised Hand emoji is a .ymbol of a human hand with fingers extended and closed.
31. Smiling Face
A yellow face with closed eyes and relaxed eyebrows, the ☺️ Smiling Face emoji shows emotions like warmth, happiness, and gratitude. This emoji takes the 31st spot in our list of popular emojis.
32. Sleeping Face
Everyone has felt sleepy or bored at one time or another. People everywhere, regardless of race, ethnicity or profession, need at least 8 hours of sleep a night. This could be one of the reasons why the 😴 Sleeping Face emoji is a favorite among online users.
Taking the 32nd spot in our list of popular emojis, the 😴 Sleeping Face emoji is an illustration of a yellow face with eyes closed and mouth open. Three blue ZZZs are on the upper right side of the photos. This emoji is often used to indicate someone who is fast asleep or bored.
33. Clapping Hands
An illustration of two hands facing each other, with small rays on top of it to represent the clapping action, the 👏 Clapping Hands emoji is used to represent an appreciation of someone’s achievement, talent, or skill.
34. Winking Face
Through text, it’s sometimes difficult to show your interest in someone. If you’re feeling flirty, one of the best symbols to use is the 😉 Wink emoji. With this symbol, you can be a bit cheeky without having to use words to make your interest known. The 😉 Winking Face emoji shows a winking face with a small smile. It is usually used to convey playfulness, joking around, etc.
35. Speak No Evil Monkey
If you said something you weren’t supposed to, or if you promise to keep a secret, 🙊 Speak No Evil Monkey emoji is the perfect symbol to use to get the message across. 1⁄3 of the three wise monkeys emoji series, “🙈 See No Evil Monkey, 🙉 Hear No Evil Monkey, 🙊 Speak No Evil Monkey,” this emoji shows a brown monkey named Iwazaru with tan or pinkish hands covering its mouth. The emoji series is based on a famous Japanese proverb bearing the same name. The well-known origin of this symbol is one of the reasons why it is a favorite online.
36. Confused Face
Are you unsure about something or someone? The confused face you pull in that situation likely mirrors this emoji. It’s one of the reasons why this emoji is quite popular- it’s similar to what one would see in real life. The 😕 Confused Face emoji lets people know you’re trying your best to follow a conversation, but it’s not working out too well. The emoji shows a face chewing its lips while wearing a slanted frown.
37. Hundred Points
Commonly used to represent appreciation or acceptance of an idea, the 💯 Hundred Points emoji is an illustration of the number 100 in red color with two lines under it. Thanks to this symbol, users can relay the message of “perfect,” or “well done,” in a faster and shorter way.
38. Crying Face
Feeling down? You’ll likely post the 😢 Crying Face emoji while ranting to a friend or family member. The emoji shows a frowning face with raised, sad eyebrows, one tear rolling down its cheeks. This emoji is used not just to express one’s emotional state, it is often used to emphasize with others as well.
39. Neutral Face
Fans of deadpan humor probably use the 😐 Neutral Face emoji many times. The emoji shows a poker/straight face with a flat, closed mouth. It is used to convey mild irritation and concern or a dry sense of humor. An appropriate emoji to use if you are indifferent or completely uninterested in some subject, person, or event. This emoji is in the 39th place in our list of popular emojis.
40. Hot Face
So mad you’re feeling warm all over and ready to burst? The 🥵 Hot Face emoji is an online version of that feeling. A reddish-orange face with furrowed brows and an open mouth with its tongue hanging out, the Hot Face emoji represents intense degrees of anger like rage or hate. With all the crazy things going on in the world, no wonder this emoji is so popular.
41. Tired Face
A symbol that everyone can relate to, the 😫 Tired Face emoji shows extreme exhaustion or intense frustration. A cartoon photo of a yellow face with scrunched eyes, furrowed brows, and a big frown, it is similar to the 😩 Weary Face emoji but with scrunched eyes.
42. Face Screaming In Fear
Making the list in 42nd place is the 😱 Face Screaming In Fear. If you think you saw this emoji somewhere, you probably did. Inspired by the expression in Edvard Munch’s famous painting, The Scream, the Face Screaming In Fear emoji shows a face with hands pressed on its cheeks. The face has a pale blue forehead and wide, white eyes. It conveys feelings like disbelief, shock, and awe.
43. Broken Heart
The 💔 Broken Heart emoji is pretty much self-explanatory. A red heart broken in two, it represents feeling heartbroken or missing a loved one. The heartbreak symbol is one of the most recognizable signs in the world.
44. Kiss Mark
The mark left after a kiss is placed with pink or red lipstick, the 💋 Kiss Mark emoji is used to send a kiss to someone online. Sometimes used in place of “xxx,” (kisses).
45. Purple Heart
A picture of a heart purple in color, the 💜 Purple Heart emoji is often used to mean admiration, joy, affection, or love. This symbol has a maternal quality due to its color. It can also represent spirituality or holiness because ancient kings, queens, and other rulers that wore purple were seen as gods or descendants of gods.
46. Sleepy Face
Typically used near sleeping characters in cartoons and comics, the 😪 Sleepy Face emoji has a somewhat humorous quality. The emoji shows a face with a slightly open mouth, closed eyes, and blue snot coming out of its nose. Used to show someone is tired, sleep, sleeping, or about to fall asleep. The symbol is also used to illustrate dozing off due to drowsiness, boredom or tiredness.
47. Blue Heart
Unlike the ❤️ Red Heart emoji, the 💙 Blue Heart emoji is not used as a sign of love. A blue heart symbolizes trust, loyalty, and peace. This symbol is included in online conversations if you want to show you trust someone, are loyal to someone, or want to make peace with someone.
48. Squinting Face With Tongue
A yellow face with scrunched eyes and a huge, open grin with its tongue sticking out, the 😝 Squinting Face With Tongue emoji is the best symbol to use for reacting to a joke. This symbol conveys a sense of cheekiness, fun, and excitement. A generally positive smiley used when joking or laughing with someone.
49. Grinning Face With Sweat
Life is full of surprises and shocks. You can never be sure of what will happen to you. It’s one of the reasons why the 😅 Grinning Face With Sweat emoji is popular. Taking the 49th place in our list of most popular emojis, the Grinning Face With Sweat emoji is commonly used to express a sense of relief after a close call. It is also used to show discomfort, nervousness, and sheepishness.
50. Oncoming Fist
A fist placed in a position to punch someone, the 👊 Oncoming Fist emoji. It is also used to fist bump someone. A fist bump is a gesture with the same meaning as a handshake or high five. It is a symbol of giving respect or approval, as well as a symbol of friendship between two people.
51. Face With Steam From Nose
A yellow face with furrowed brows, a big frown, and steam coming out of its nose. The 😤 Face With Steam From Nose emoji conveys different emotions like irritation, anger, and contempt. If you have a strong negative opinion about something or someone, use this symbol.
52. Crying Face
Used to show feelings of sadness or pain, the 😢 Crying Face emoji is a face with raised eyebrows and a slight frown. Often used to share how they are feeling and to express what they are thinking inside, the Crying Face emoji is a less intense version of the Loudly Crying Face emoji.
53. Grinning Squinting Face
If you are so excited and you just can’t hide it, the 😆 Grinning Squinting Face emoji is the best symbol to express how you are feeling. The emoji shows a face with scrunched eyes and a broad, open smile. It conveys great excitement, enthusiasm, or hearty laughter.
54. Grinning Face
One of the more common emojis published on the Internet, the 😀 Grinning Face emoji shows a face with a big, open smile. Used to convey general happiness and excitement, if you want to express how joyful you are about something or someone, this is a fantastic emoji to use.
55. Angry Face With Horns
A picture of a red or purple face with devil horns, the 👿 Angry Face With Horns emoji is used to show a person is upset their badass actions failed. The Angry Face With Horn’s emoji has a pair of outraged eyes, a frowning mouth, and furrowed brows.
56. Check Mark
Need to approve something? The ✔️ Check Mark emoji will do it for you. A checkmark colored in black, it is commonly used for indicating something right.
57. Waving Hand
A human hand in a waving motion with motion lines on both sides, the 👋 Waving Hand emoji is most commonly used to say “hello,” or “goodbye.”
58. Face With Medical Mask
If you are talking to someone online and want to tell the person you are talking to that you are not feeling well, the 😷 Face With Medical Mask emoji is the best way to do it. The emoji shows a face with small, closed eyes, wearing a white surgical mask over its mouth.
59. Growing Heart
The 💗 Growing Heart emoji is used to show an outpouring of love, joy, admiration, or any strong positive emotion that would cause your heart to grow or puff up. The emoji shows three hearts in different sizes placed one in front of the other, giving the illusion of increasing in size.
60. Sun
Commonly used to represent sunny, warm weather, heat, light, energy and life, the ☀️ Sun emoji is a picture of the sun as an orange disk with radiating rays.
61. Sparkling Heart
The 💖 Sparkling Heart emoji is a photo of a pink heart with stars surrounding it, making it look like it is shining and shimmering.
62. Rose
A common symbol of love and romance, the 🌹 Rose emoji is a photo of a red rose with a green stem. This emoji is most often seen on Valentines’ Day, Mother’s Day, and other special occasions.
63. Persevering Face
Often used as a symbol of frustration and helplessness, the 😣 Persevering Face emoji is a photo of a smiley with a slight frown, scrunched eyes, and furrowed eyebrows. If you feel like you can’t do anything about something that happened or is about to happen, the Persevering Face emoji is the best symbol to express what you’re trying to say.
64. Cherry Blossom
Fancy someone online but want to show it subtly? Try sending them a 🌸 Cherry Blossom emoji. Used to express romantic gestures, the emoji is a photo of a pink flower from a Cherry Blossom tree. One of the national flowers of Japan, the flower contains five petals and has a yellow or white center.
65. Revolving Hearts
Feeling so much love for someone but don’t know how to do it, and you don’t want it to be awkward? Why not try the 💞 Revolving Hearts emoji? Used to express an intense and heightened sense of love, the Revolving Hearts emoji shows two pink or red hearts with circular motion lines surrounding them.
66. Sparkles
Generally depicted as a sparkling cluster of golden, four-pointed stars, with one star bigger than the other stars, the ✨ Sparkles emoji is commonly used to express positive sentiments like love, gratitude, happiness, etc.
67. Woman Gesturing No
Disagreeing about something with every fiber of your being? Use the 🙅♀️ Woman Gesturing No emoji. A woman with arms crossed to form an ‘X’ to indicate ‘no,’ or ‘no good,’ this emoji is used to show dislike, disapproval, or refusal.
68. Confounded Face
Have you ever wanted to hold back tears, overwhelmed with disgust, frustration, or extreme sadness? The 😖 Confounded Face emoji is the perfect symbol to show what’s in your heart. The emoji shows a face with a crumpled mouth and scrunched eyes.
69. Angry Face
A yellow face with a frowning mouth, furrowed brows, and angry eyes, the 😠 Angry Face emoji conveys varying degrees of anger, from annoyance and irritation to revulsion and outrage. If you want to present yourself as tough and mean, this emoji will get the job done.
70. Party Popper
Say congratulations in the best way with the 🎉 Party Popper emoji! This emoji shows a party popper exploding in a shower of streamers and confetti.
71. Grimacing Face
Want to show embarrassment, tenseness, or nervousness without feeling awkward? Use the 😬 Grimacing Face emoji. This emoji shows a face with an open mouth and a pair of clenched teeth.
72. Pistol
The 🔫 Pistol emoji is an image of a water pistol facing left. This symbol is used in topics pertaining to water or water sports.
73. Flexed Biceps
An image of an arm with a tense, large bicep, the 💪 Flexed Biceps emoji is usually used for working out, sports, fitness, and bodybuilding. It may also be used in topics relating to mental health, ambition, potential, and perseverance.
74. Downcast Face With Sweat
A smiley with a frowning face, a bead of sweat dripping from its forehead, and a pair of closed, downcast eyes, the 😓 Downcast Face With Sweat emoji is used to show the user is weary but still has work to be done. Also, it may mean that the user is “breaking a sweat” or is about to do some meticulous work.
75. Grinning Squinting Face
Finishing at 75th place in our list of popular emojis, the 😆 Grinning Squinting Face shows enthusiasm and excitement. The emoji is an illustration of a smiley with scrunched eyes, and a wide, open smile.
76. Sad But Relieved Face
If you want to show concern, anxiety, or a mixed feeling of sadness and relief, use the 😥 Sad But Relieved Face emoji. Not to be confused with other emojis that have sweat droplets like the 😪 Sleepy Face or 😢 Crying Face emoji, the Sad But Relieved Face is a good way to communicate mild degrees of sadness and frustration.
77. Woman Raising Hand
The 🙋♀️ Woman Raising Hand emoji shows a woman with her right arm raised above her head. Use this emoji if you want to ask a question.
78. Kissing Face With Smiling Eyes
A face with happy, curved eyes and puckered lips, the 😙 Kissing Face With Smiling Eyes emoji communicates love and affection. A sincere kiss with a bit of intimacy, this emoji is a more intense way to express how you feel.
79. Heart With Arrow
The 💘 Heart With Arrow is similar to Cupid’s arrow, it is an image of a pink or red emoji with an arrow piercing at the center.
80. Thumbs Down
The 👎 Thumbs Down emoji is a picture of a human hand with the thumb extended and facing downward. This is a common hand gesture to show disapproval.
81. Headphone
The 🎧 Headphone emoji is a photo of a headset, a device used to listen to music and audio recordings. This symbol is often used in the context of listening to music, for example, if you want to talk about your favorite song, group, or singer.
82. Yellow Heart
An image of a 💛 Yellow Heart, it symbolizes hope, positivity, and happiness. It is also a yellow variant of the ❤️ Red Heart emoji.
83. Face Without Mouth
If you’ve ever felt at a loss for words, the 😶 Face Without Mouth emoji is the best symbol to use. A smiley with no mouth means speechlessness or not being able to find the right words to say due to awkwardness or embarrassment.
84. Raised Fist
An image of a clenched fist raised in the air, the ✊ Raised Fist emoji shows support of someone or something. The symbol may be used as a celebratory gesture as well.
85. Woman Dancing
The 💃🏻 Woman Dancing emoji is an image of a woman dancing in a red dress. The woman is sexy, confident, carefree, and ready to party. The 💃🏻 Woman Dancing emoji is the perfect symbol to use if you are in a celebratory mood.
86. Green Heart
The 💚 Green Heart emoji is an image of a heart, green in color. This emoji is used with topics about organic and healthy living. Also known as the “jealous heart emoji,” this symbol is also used to indicate feelings of envy or jealousy.
87. Face With Tongue
A face with a big, open grin, with its tongue sticking out, the 😛 Face With Tongue emoji is most often used in a friendly meaning. This emoji’s friendly and fun look can make even an insult look less offensive, a bit childish, and more humorous.
88. Cat Face
Used to express a feeling of attraction to something, the 🐱 Cat Face emoji shows the face of a cat looking straight ahead. It is generally depicted in a yellowish-orange color with pointed ears and whiskers.
89. Pile Of Poo
A swirly lump of brown poop, shaped like soft-serve ice cream, with big excited eyes, and a large, friendly smile. The 💩 Pile Of Poo emoji conveys a sense of whimsy or silliness, due to its fun and happy expression. This symbol is used to represent feces and other bathroom topics.
90. New Moon Face
A picture of the first phase of the moon when the moon is in between the sun and the Earth. The 🌚 New Moon Face emoji has a smiling face on it, and half gray circles along its inner edges. Due to its unusual look, this symbol is sometimes used with a funny meaning.
91. Person Walking
The 🚶♂️ Person Walking emoji is a picture of a person in casual attire walking in a relaxed manner. This emoji is used in topics related to movement, like moving to a new house or taking a walk around a park.
92. Skull
A 💀 Skull emoji is a picture of the top portion of the human skull. It has big eye sockets and is white. This emoji usually represents death and other scary topics. Skull costumes and masks appear more frequently come Halloween time.
93. Anxious Face With Sweat
Commonly used to express a close call, the 😰 Anxious Face With Sweat emoji is a smiley with a slight frown, a drop of cold sweat, and closed eyes.
94. Fire
The 🔥 Fire emoji shows an image of a burning flame, used when something is on fire. It is also used to show sexual attractiveness.
95. Copyright
A letter C enclosed inside a circle, the ©️ Copyright emoji represents copyrighted material.
96. Palms Up Together
The 🤲 Palms Up Together emoji is a picture of two hands, pointed straight forward in an open position. This emoji also works as a symbol of one’s work with hands, such as planting trees or cleaning the house.
97. Crown
A 👑 Crown emoji is a picture of a gold crown embedded with colorful gemstones. Worn by royalty, the 👑 Crown emoji is used in conversations relating to luxury and nobility.
98. Ballot Box With Ballot
This 🗳 Ballot Box With Ballot emoji is an image of a ballot box with a ballot being inserted into it. Often used for various content related to politics and government.
99. Women With Bunny Ears
The 👯♀️ Women With Bunny Ears emoji shows an image of two pretty women wearing bunny ears, this emoji is called a Bunny Girl, a Japanese version of the iconic Playboy Bunny. Commonly used as a display of friendship or fun. If you want to tell someone, “let’s party,” this emoji will do the trick.
100. Woman Gesturing OK
This 🙆♀️ Woman Gesturing OK emoji shows a figure of a female character forming the letter “O,” with her hands. The 🙆♀️ Woman Gesturing Ok emoji shows happiness, having fun, or being proud of something.
101. Thinking Face
Intended to show a person deep in thought, the 🤔 Thinking Face emoji is an image of a yellow face wearing a frown. One eyebrow is raised on this face, and an index finger is resting on his chin. This emoji is used to question or scorn someone.
After all has been said and done, one thing is clear—emojis are now a global phenomenon. Every day, new batches of symbols are being added by the Unicode Consortium. To support this fact, in 2019, Unicode released a whopping 230 new emojis! If you want to create trendy and engaging digital messages, adding popular emojis to them is the fastest and most effective way of getting it done.
Just a word of caution for all the emoji lovers out there—do be careful of the meaning behind the symbols you put, some symbols might have additional or varied meanings you aren’t aware of, and the last thing you want to happen is to be misinterpreted. In today’s digital age where screenshots are just a click away, the adage of “think before you click” is something we must all keep in our hearts and minds.